Aviation View | April 2021

118 AVIATION VIEW APRIL 2021 Although the airport will be closed for about three months, which is not convenient for the pilots, Johnston is excited to have the renovations done. Looking on the bright side, he says, “Most of our people come flying in for the golf courses in the latter part of June, and July through September, so we’ll be back up by then. I have to give special credit to The Thomas County Airport Authority Board for the airport’s continued success – they are great. All of us but one are pilots, and the other one is the longest serving board member. His dad was a pilot on a B-17 in World War II and he loves aviation.” Thomas County Airport is on the threshold of growth, with so much potential at hand for the future. Nothing but big sky and good times ahead! if I can, just to greet the pilots and welcome them to “Thedford International.” I had a Lear 75 come in from Grand Forks Michigan and they were mesmerized by this country, where there’s nothing for miles and miles. And it’s funny because the pilot and the co-pilot were both wearing masks because of COVID-19 and they got out and looked around and took the masks off and threw them back in the airplane. And said, ‘Wow, there’s not much out here,’ and I told them: nothing but beauty and cattle.” The airport is actually a strong asset when it comes to attracting business growth in Thomas County, particularly in manufacturing. Thedford’s central location in the U.S. makes it ideal for shipping and distribution, and the regional Economic Development organization is presently talking to investors about residential developments to increase the housing inventory, as well as working on initiatives in skills training for workforce development. PREFERRED VENDOR n Thomas County Nebraska Crossroadsofthesandhills.com