Aviation View | April 2021

137 AVIATION VIEW APRIL 2021 LEESBURG INTERNAT IONAL A I RPORT boasts two runways extending up to 6,300 feet, as well as a brand-new seaplane ramp, utilizing the lakes as a landing spot. Interestingly, Florida is second only to Alaska in terms of seaplane traffic. Leesburg International Airport is also a Port of Entry to the United States. In total, the airport saw some 60,000 takeoff and landings in the last year. Leesburg International does not have commercial service. All planes that are based on- site, as well as the typical transient users of the airport, are either privately-owned small aircraft or corporate jets. Unlike many other airports across the country, Leesburg International was fortunate to have traffic remain fairly consistent throughout 2020 and was not negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Airport Manager, Tracey Dean, is a dedicated champion of Leesburg International and its value to the City of Leesburg and Lake County. She reports, “We have been working hard on several