Aviation View | April 2021
42 AVIATION VIEW APRIL 2021 2 4 0 COMMERCE DR . ROCHESTER , NY 1 4 6 2 3 5 8 5 - 3 2 5 - 1 0 6 0 www. s c hu l e r - h a a s . c om ROCHESTER • I THACA B I NGHAMTON • CORN I NG AN HONEST COMPANY THAT CONS I STENTLY DEL I VERS QUAL I TY WORKMANSH I P, AND REL I ABLE SERV I CES PUT OUR EXTENS I VE EXPER I ENCE TO WORK FOR YOU We o f f e r i n s t a l l a t i o n , ma i n t e n a n c e , o r u p g r a d e s e r v i c e s f o r y o u r e l e c t r i c a l , s o l a r s t o r a g e , o r t e l e c ommu n i c a t i o n s y s t ems . 585-325-1060 607-257-6670 607-722-3312 607-936-3840 on the lake. Which instills ITH as an essential means of connection. Hall acknowledges, “We are an international community because of Cornell University and other colleges here that draw very widely. Cornell U. is the largest employer in upstate New York. We have the strongest, most stable economy and a lot of it is built around the airport. You can’t be a top 20 global university without connectivity and Cornell has that through Ithaca Airport. So ITH is critical to the economy here; connecting us to the markets we need in order to sustain that economy.” On tap for 2021 is a new flight academy. East Hill Flying Club (an airport tenant) is the current owner and it will be adding the East Hill Flight Academy. East Hill is already a Part 141 school and is one of the largest flight training and club operations in upstate NY. This will be a public/private partnership with the airport, and additional funding from a grant from NY State, plus money East Hill has raised. The current
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