accelerated by layoffs and early retirements tied to the pandemic’s upheaval. For Jamestown, this shortage is immediate.“It really affects our flight schedule so that we can’t have ideal departure and arrival times,” Hemmer notes. The airline can only run overnight aircraft in North Dakota with adequate crew availability, a limitation that affects both boardings and the community’s ability to make desired connections.“We’ve definitely seen an impact on our boardings,” she continues, tying these operational constraints to the broader pilot shortage crisis. Addressing the issue of pilot training and maintenance services, Hemmer highlights the airport’s proactive efforts. “Our fixed base operator offers flight training and partners with the high school,” she shares. Although collaboration with the local university has yet to take root, the introduction to aviation class offered at the high school provides the ground school portion of pilot training. This creates a seamless pathway for students interested in aviation, allowing them to transition smoothly into actual flight training.“We can do our part from Jamestown to help supply that pilot shortage,” Hemmer emphasizes. The airport’s approach to career development doesn’t stop there. Hemmer points out that North Dakota’s long-standing low unemployment rates necessitate early career introduction across various fields.This strategy aims to guide students into paths like piloting before they commit to post-high school training, recognizing that becoming a pilot doesn’t necessarily require a four-year degree.“Getting those students involved before they make that decision for post-high school training helps them decide if this is a career path they want to move on,” Hemmer notes. The airport collaborates with several entities for maintenance and operational services. First Class Aviation, the airport’s fixed-base operator, handles fueling, flight training, aircraft rental, and some storage capabilities. Hemmer specifies, “This particular fixed-base operator is not the mechanic. We do have one separate operation that does offer mechanic services at the airport.” That operation, High Plains Aviation, leases space on the airport 56 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 04, ISSUE 04