Aviation View - December 2024

lights provide a great product for pilot visibility,” Hemmer notes, highlighting the intensity and clarity of the new lighting system. The benefits extend beyond enhanced visibility; the airport anticipates cost savings, too.“We should see a difference in our utility bills,” Hemmer explains, pointing out that LED lights consume less power and require fewer replacements, leading to decreased maintenance costs over time. Hemmer also identifies snow removal equipment as another focal point for capital investment. In North Dakota, where winters are long and harsh, efficient snow removal is critical to maintaining airport operations.“We have upgraded some equipment in recent years, and we will be upgrading another piece of our major snow removal equipment,” she says. Specifically, the airport will replace a loader tractor carrying its largest snow blowers. With equipment becoming larger and more versatile—able to plow and spread deicer simultaneously—the need for expanded storage facilities has become pressing. 61 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 04, ISSUE 04 JAMESTOWN REGIONAL AIRPORT