Aviation View July 2023

17 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 DAV IDSON COUNTY A I RPORT “Back in 2002 I moved here to Lexington, bought a business and a plane, and got involved at the airport. And back in the day when I first started flying, I feel that although we did have some heavier airplanes operating out of here, for the most part, this was more of a county airport, with a lot of Cessnas and pipers and Sunday afternoon flyers. When you walked up the ramp you would see rows of piston planes and the occasional turboprop. And I was just remarking about a month ago, walking up that same ramp, how much it has changed – jet after jet sitting on the ramp.” “It’s not a bad thing,” Phillips continues, “When I first came on the board we were perceived by the public as a place for a bunch of rich guys to go out and with their toys. That is not the case, and it never has been, but that is the perception of a lot of people. This is as much a business airport as anything these days, and in fact, more so. I would say most of the takeoff and landings