Aviation View July 2023

19 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 DAV IDSON COUNTY A I RPORT here have to do with business aviation versus pleasure flying. It also has become a tremendous economic driver in this area. “Our local government, particularly our county government has zeroed in on that in the last few years particularly, and they have stepped up and supported us, as has the state and FAA funding, and with growth projects, this airport has been responsible for several businesses relocating to Lexington. Admittedly, we are also perfectly situated in the center of the state, halfway between the northeastern states and the southern states like Florida and Georgia and we are also 30 seconds from the interstate.” Three miles north of the city of Lexington, The Davidson County Airport sits on 330 acres of land with one runway, 6/24 which is 5,004 by 100 feet. In the coming months, there is a massive renovation and restoration scheduled which will create a new runway, taxiway, and apron. For now, the airport continues to grow and serve the business needs of Lexington. Phillips continues to point to the current growth and success of the airport by offering comparisons to how it was a decade ago. When he became chair of the authority 13 years ago there was a proposal to get a MALSR system (medium intensity approach lighting system) and three months ago it was finally completed. “It’s a strobe light system that goes right down the centerline of the runway,” says Phillips, “and it is a huge game-changer, particularly at night or in low visibility weather. It has greatly improved the safety at our airport and allowed more companies to see us as a viable option – certain insurance companies require that level of safety. The pavement project will be the next project that will change everything. On the 20th of March, we are closing our runway for 42 days