Aviation View July 2023

2 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 Summer is in full flight and so are the many bustling regional airports across the US and Canada as passenger traffic is gearing up for both private and commercial flights landing at some of the nation’s fastest- growing regional airports. As airports across North America switch gears to cater to the high- flying summer season, we had the opportunity to speak to several Aviation Directors responsible for air traffic taking off from their dynamic and busy airport facilities for this edition of Aviation View. We had the privilege to talk with these highly successful Airport Directors about a range of topics on all-things-aviation. Topics range from the current and ongoing pilot and airport shortages affecting airports of all sizes, the need for medical and fire-fighting flights as well as recent airport upgrades, to the uptick in aviation traffic as we leave COVID in the jetstream. We also had the privilege of sitting down to chat with executives from the International Association of Airport Executives based in Ottawa, Canada to talk about the challenges and exciting developments the aviation field is facing as we enter the latter half of 2023. Aviation View covered a host of airports for this issue including Davidson County Airport, Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport, North Carolina Global TransPark, Indianapolis Executive Airport, Lake Tahoe Airport, Northeast Wyoming Regional Airport, Pueblo Memorial Airport, Pullman Moscow Regional Airport and Pryor Field Regional Airport. With a first-class view into the fascinating world of aviation, Aviation View takes off with in-depth articles that land you right in the center of all things aviation. Whether you are heading to your flight to start your long-awaited vacation or have an avid interest in this dynamic sector, we always provide a mile-high view into the fascinating world of aviation that lands you right in the center of all things aviation. Enjoy your reading! WWW. BUSINESSVIEWMAGAZINE .COM Email for all inquiries: info@businessviewmagazine.com 2422 Palm Ridge Road, Suite 820 Sanibel FL, 33957 239.220.5554 CONTACT US Editor in Chief Karen Surca Director of Aviation&Research Paul Payne Research&Sales Director Thomas Hiley ContributingWriters Brett Anningson Andrew Macfarlane Al Krulick Director of Production Justin Morrice Digital Strategist Jon Bartlow Creative Director Bill Ellis Steph van Antwerpen Vice President of Business Development Matthew Mitchell CGO Alexander Wynne-Jones Executive Publisher / CEO Marcus VandenBrink EDI TOR ’ S NOTES Karen Surca Editor in Chief Dear Readers,