Aviation View July 2023

20 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 He points out that the state published an economic impact assessment of airports, and it showed that Davidson County Airport supports 540 jobs. It contributes 4.35 million in tax revenue and $130 million in total economic impact. The population within a 30-minute drive of the airport is over half a million people and the airport supports personal income of over $30 million. Comfort Inn THOMASVILLE, NC CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OFF I-85 FREE WIFI & HOT BREAKFAST 895 LAKE RD, THOMASVILLE, NC 27360 BOOK YOUR STAY AT CHOICEHOTELS.COM and we are going to completely reconstruct it. “Not just the runway asphalt but we will be going down to replace the sub base as well. At the same time, we will be redoing all the taxiways. And creating two large apron areas. The runway will also be grooved now. We are also in the process of building four ten thousand-square-foot hangars here and have plans to construct four more as quickly as possible. We have a new aviation maintenance company that has been located here with us for the past two years, Sky Aircraft Maintenance (SAM) and they have some aggressive growth plans as well as hangar construction plans. We just have a lot of exciting things here going on at our airport now and we are having a lot of knocks at our door. This time next year everything will be different, and that is exciting.” Karel Van Der Linden is both the owner of the Fixed Base Operator for Davidson County Airport,