Aviation View July 2023

5 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 OHIO DOT CRAFTING AIRPORT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PLAN One of the goals of the Ohio Airport System Plan or OASP, which is updated every 10 years, is to provide the agency’s Office of Aviation and the Federal Aviation Administration with a methodology for prioritizing and funding airport development projects. The Ohio DOT said it expects to issue a final OASP report in 2025. The last OASP report, released in 2014, found that Ohio’s airport system supports more than 123,000 jobs and produces an economic impact that exceeds $13 billion annually. “Aviation has played a key role in Ohio’s history and this plan will help ensure that continues into our state’s future,” noted Jim Bryant, administrator of the Ohio DOT’s Office of Aviation, in a statement. He added that, as part of the OASP creation process, Ohio DOT hopes to gain input from state residents during a virtual public meeting slated for July 19 at 10 a.m. State departments of transportation play O p e n i n g L i n e s