Aviation View July 2023

57 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 LAKE TAHOE AI RPORT support the airport and contribute to its economic growth. Dickinson acknowledges the importance of these businesses in generating revenue and supporting the airport’s operations. He emphasizes the need for the airport to become self-sustaining and not rely on city subsidies, stating, “My biggest priority is to change so we can tackle all our capital improvement projects going forward without having to go to the city to get funding.” “I think this airport is doing really well right now,” Dickinson adds, “We have a full hanger base; we have constant air traffic coming in and out of here. And we are one of the top destinations in the country to come to see.” John’s background in aviation began with ten years in the military. As a naval air control and operations officer, he transitioned to civilian airports, working in operations, as assistant director, even taking on firefighting and rescue roles as he prepared ultimately to take the helm. He has an airport management degree from Embry-Riddle and is in the process of completing his MBA. “I am passionate about the industry, and I think it all comes from when my dad used to take me to the air shows when I was younger and fell in love with it.” “My main focus going forward is on operational safety,” he concludes. “And by that, I mean the back-of-house stuff. Fixing the pavement, making everything you know better. I guess the best way to describe it is that we need to make our tenants comfortable. We need to bring Wi-Fi to the hangars, we need to improve the payment and taxiways, we need to work on the carport, and the tourism, and help people to feel that this is a first-class destination as soon as they land on the tarmac.” Lake Tahoe Airport is currently thriving with a full hangar base and increased traffic due to its strategic location as a popular destination for snow enthusiasts and outdoor enthusiasts alike. While the airport’s capabilities may be limited at times due to visibility challenges and the absence of a precision runway, there is a clear vision for the future. The addition of a precision runway could potentially attract even more traffic, making Lake Tahoe Airport one of the top destinations in the country. The airport’s leadership team brings a wealth of experience and expertise, with backgrounds ranging from military and airport operations to aviation management and business. The focus is on continuous improvement and operational safety, with investments in infrastructure, technology, and facilities to enhance the overall experience for users. From comfortable state-of-the-art hangars with Wi- Fi to modernizing equipment and bringing in more traffic, Lake Tahoe Airport is committed to