Aviation View July 2023

68 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 and it may be possible for Pueblo Memorial to become the hub for both routes. “We have multiple acres of land owned by the city surrounding the airport,” Pedroza adds, “and with the right partner anything could be possible.” Pedroza holds Pueblo near and dear to his heart. Although he was born in Southern California, his grandmother, and roots, brought him back to Pueblo. The city is also home to the State Fair and even as a kid, he found the town to be full of wonder and potential. “I spent a lot of summers here,” he admits, “so I got to sort of have a soft spot in my heart for Pueblo over those years. By the time I was going through college and things just weren’t quite working out for me in Southern California, I came here, met my wife, raised three daughters, and took advantage of opportunities as I encountered them. I was first hired by the city in the maintenance operations role here at the airport. So, it was one of our entry-level positions and this was about 11- 12 years ago, and I have since moved my way up to the Director position, “ he asserts. “Just by, you know, working hard, and having a good attitude. I was initially promoted to the supervisor of our OPS and maintenance team. And about 3 1/2 years ago now, since August of 2019, our director had moved on to another airport, at this time, the Mayor asked if I would sit in as interim, and after two years, I fulfilled some educational requirements and was able to get the job appointed full time,” Pedroza adds. “Pueblo has provided me and my family with some outstanding opportunities,” he continues, “and I see my job as the steward of the airport on behalf of the taxpaying citizens of Pueblo. I want the airport to succeed, and I want it to grow so that our community can be proud of it and utilize it. And I want it to be a welcoming environment for anybody who is going wherever they’re going. Because when you think about when people are jumping on a plane. Whether it’s for business, or pleasure, to go see family – there are so many reasons to get on a plane and we want to be here for any of them.” PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Freeman Jet Center https://freemanholdingsgroup.com/ Freeman Jet Center sets the standard for excellence, safety and customer service! We are a dynamic FBO offering DLA-Approved Aviation Fuel and Ground Services as well as amenities for PAX and crew. Our professional and experienced staff has safety and service as their highest priority as you have come to expect at Pueblo Memorial Airport! n CSU Pueblo www.csupueblo.edu n Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce www.pueblochamber.org