Aviation View July 2023

74 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 a year and now we are at 72,000. We have essentially doubled our commercial traffic in a decade, simply with Alaska Airlines service to Seattle and the addition of a Boise direct.” To address the needs of each constituent, the airport sat down with a large advisory commission to look at what the design and makeup of a new terminal should be. The previous terminal was entirely built for functionality and had no real personality – but knowing this would be the first stop for tourists, university residents, visiting sports teams and so much more, a reflection of who or what this region offered would go a long way. There was the obvious challenge of gates for larger aircraft, and creating space in the terminal for baggage, but then there was the topography and the fact that the terminal would now be on an entirely different footprint. A new parking lot and a new apron would need to be included and the current budget projection is for an $84 million construction project of the terminal, new parking Learn more about the University of Idaho. uidaho.edu/ui/ucm/rankings Nonstop flights to Pullman - Moscow Regional Airport from Seattle and Boise