Aviation View | Volume 1, Issue 2

57 AVIATION VIEW VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 MODERN AVIATION The chain reaction O n December 26, 2018, the operating executives behind Modern Aviation, the “new kid” on the block as far as top-tier fixed base operator (FBO) chains are concerned, announced their acquisition of Gateway USA, LLC at King County International Airport’s Boeing Field in Seattle, WA. It was a bold move and a consistent next step in the expansion of what they promised would be a national network platform of “premier FBO properties”. It also happened to be their third acquisition in less than a year’s time. Flash forward to today and the business employs nearly 100 individuals, having weathered the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic with absolutely zero layoffs. They’ve now got their sights set on sustainable development through additional acquisitions. AT A GLANCE MODERN AVIATION WHAT: A growing FBO network platform focused on developing a national FBO chain WHERE: Wilmington, NC; Denver, CO; Seattle, WA WEBSITE: https://modern-aviation.com Modern Aviation - Denver Courtesy of Jon Nash Photo & Fil