Aviation View - June 2024

years ago designated this whole part of the city as the industrial airport. It is situated in the perfect area for those industries, and for companies that want to move into the airport.” The availability of land for sale presents opportunities for further industrial growth and development, as Rainwater relays, “There are two pieces of land in the industrial airport right now that are up for sale from the city. One of the sites is certified by LED and by the Southwest Louisiana Alliance, an economic development group.” Led by a city council with a progressive vision, the city of DeQuincy is focused on attracting new businesses and embracing growth and innovation. “That’s the number one thing, just trying to find people that are interested in coming into our area,” he admits. “That’s been a primary focus here lately, within the city, is trying to get new businesses and keep getting people interested in our area. We’ve changed our mindset, and we want to see the city adapt and grow because that’s what every city should want.” 49 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 04, ISSUE 02 DEQUINCY INDUSTRIAL AIRPARK