Aviation View | Volume 2, Issue 3

86 AVIATION VIEW VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 for 60ft x 60 ft hangars. So plenty of room for development,” says Holt. Airport management is taking an active approach to attracting more investments by working with the Cedar City’s economic development team. Also, important to note is that Cedar City Regional Airport is one of the only airfields in the State of Utah with space for development. A recent project at the airport is the addition of the VirTower system and ADSB operations tracking system, which tracks the type of aircraft landing at the field, times of departure and arrivals, and the different fleet mixes. This is all information that helps management gain new insights. The program’s data will be utilized in the new masterplan update, which will forecast what will happen at the airport over the next 20 years. Another exciting development at the airfield is collaborating with Sky Ware Labs. This company provides a safety inspection systems. Normally, inspections must be carried out daily at the airfield. This includes viewing pavements, lighting, navigation systems, and much more as required by the FAA. Now with the new company on board, these jobs can be done electronically,