Aviation View - Oct 2023

126 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 we’ve recovered relatively well. I think we were one of the first airports that got back to 90-100% recovery; our numbers, this year, far exceeded our 2019 numbers.” “In June and July this year, our numbers are higher than back in 2014. So, we’re making good progress in the airline passenger arena.” Since the end of the pandemic, leisure travel has been the airport’s “bread and butter,” Conner reveals. “Business travel is still down – about 30% of pre-pandemic numbers.” So, a current focus for AMA, these days, is to boost that part of the commercial business. To that end, Conner says that the airport works closely with Amarillo’s Convention and Visitors Bureau, while also reaching out to the local business community via its Taking Flight program. Take your education to the next level. Quality | Affordability | Convenience wtamu.edu/GRADUATE Scan for more information