Aviation View - Oct 2023

133 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 ROGUE VALLEY INTERNAT IONAL-MEDFORD AI RPORT Located in some of the most beautiful scenery in the Pacific Northwest, and home to many short- haul connecting flights, MFR offers so much more. The airport, albeit small, is a hotbed of aviation activity and has ambitious plans to welcome increased aviation traffic, both commercial and cargo as well as much-needed rescue and firefighting flights well into 2023 and beyond. Aware of its limitless potential, the airport is busying itself with a host of upgrades, some completed and others in the pipeline. Among a list of priorities outlined to Business View, the Airport has plans to add additional hanger capabilities and is focusing its efforts on continuing to attract aviation-related business to the airport grounds as it welcomes a steady influx in aviation traffic throughout 2023. Welcoming increased aviation traffic In fact, with an impressive number of cargo flights flying in and out of the airport, connecting commercial services to airports including 800.242.6352 www.protecfire.com 3433 West College Avenue Appleton, WI 54914 PERSONNEL PREPARATION PERFORMANCE | | E • Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) • Emergency Medical Services • Airport Operations • Training needs Let us put our industry leading nearly 50 years of airport experience to work for you - reducing your overhead while improving your airport’s safety.