Aviation View - Oct 2023

136 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 Doil’s enthusiasm is clearly an indication of the high hopes that the airport has to draw in some of these businesses and ensure economic ties are maintained and strengthened with the city and the county through tourist initiatives. “The natural beauty of Oregon as a state is just phenomenal, Southern Oregon in particular. The Rogue Valley is known for its stunning natural beauty, and several top wineries that are world- renowned. MFR is the gateway to all of it.” Describing the climate of the area, Doil makes a case for those who haven’t sampled what the Rogue Valley has to offer, to stop what they are doing and book a flight into the area. “The climate here is more aligned with a Mediterranean climate. We don’t get heavy snows in the winter and summers are fairly mild compared to the South West US.” “We have lots of outdoor activities with the Rogue River running through the valley,” Doil details. “Everything from water sports, hiking, ziplining, and other outdoor activities. The airport plays a vital part in bringing visitors to our area.” Looking down the future flight path It is no secret that both Doil and Judd are more than aware of the untapped potential the airport possesses, not only in the probability of adding more flight options but also in the commercial and tourist draw of the area itself. So what do the next few years look like? Both Doil and Judd are quick to answer. “We definitely want to grow our general aviation area to allow for more growth there and push that growth towards an education center,” Judd predicts.” We also want to see that hotel get built as well as seeing the land around the hotel be filled by anybody that’s interested in that- possibly restaurants or retail, but we are open to all options.” “We are here to partner with you so that you can basically go explore the world. We have a gem of an airport right here in Medford just bustling with activity,” Doil adds. “We are here to serve you and connect you to the world,” he concludes. PREFERREDVENDOR/PARTNER n Pro-Tec Fire Services https://protecfire.com/