Aviation View - Oct 2023

20 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 advise the Ministry of Transportation and Province of Ontario on issues of importance to airport operators. This body potentially includes representatives from the airport sector, municipalities, key aircraft operators, and the Government of Ontario so that all are kept aware of provincial policy development affecting the sector. At the federal level, two recommendations focus on much- needed funding. ACAP needs to be recapitalized; therefore, Transport Canada should meet with industry stakeholders across the country to determine an appropriate revised funding allocation that aligns with costs associated with implementing safety-related projects in contemporary conditions. Airport advocacy associations across Canada state the current target for ACAP is $95 million annually – an increase from the $36 million meant to cover programming nationwide. Further, the reinstatement and recapitalization of the Regional Air Transportation Initiative (RATI) or a similar program is recommended. RATI had a budget of $206 million from 2021-23 to assist regional air transportation ecosystems during the pandemic; however, these funds are still acutely needed. Investment in airport infrastructure can thus be considered an investment in economic development for the communities that utilize their services. For instance, Action. Collaboration. Transformation: The Final Report of The National Supply Chain Task Force (2022) rightfully