Aviation View - Oct 2023

23 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 BI LL INGS LOGAN INTERNAT IONAL AI RPORT “We have an airport with a significant amount of capacity,” Jeff Roach, the director of aviation and transit for the City of Billings says, citing a 10,500-foot main runway providing more than enough capacity for the largest commercial and military aircraft to operate, and the airport does indeed see a lot of such aircraft traffic. In addition to overseeing the busy operations at Billings Logan, Roach also holds the dual role of overseeing MET Transit, a 40-vehicle transit fleet for the City. When describing the airport’s operational capabilities, Roach points out that currently there’s one FBO (or fixed-based operator) that’s been in operation at the airport for decades: Edwards Jet Center. It provides full- service FBO operations and can handle any situation that arises for aviation operations. A second full-service FBO is currently under construction, scheduled to open this autumn. OneCompany - AFull Suite of Aviation-FocusedServices spplus.com/AirportServices AirportSolutions@spplus.com + Parking & Valet Management + Remote Baggage Check-in Services + Shuttle & Fleet Services + Curbside / GT Management + Remote Management Services + Revenue Optimization + Pre-Book / Online Reservations + Yield Management / Dynamic Pricing + Technology Integration + PARCS Equipment Management + Interactive Marketing Services + Customer Amenities + Facility Maintenance / Custodial Services + Data Analytics Morning Air Freight. Photo by Larry Mayer Painting the Airport Water Tower. Photo by Larry Mayer