Aviation View - Oct 2023

40 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Skydive Moab www.SkydiveMoab.com Experience the ultimate thrill at Skydive Moab! Soar above breathtaking landscapes and make your bucket list dream come true. With 19 years of excellence and raving reviews, we guarantee an unforgettable adventure. Try skydiving and embrace the beauty of Moab from new heights. Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity! n Dead Horse Point State Park stateparks.utah.gov n Velocity Insurance Group www.velocityins.com the lands that greet each incoming flight. “When you land you are witnessing all the canyons in the gullies and the red rock as well as the washes that I think are amazing to see from up above.” “It is just this endless maze of washes where there is a desert that you see below you and you do not expect for there to be so much water, but the water has formed this magnificent landscape out here.” The landscape is also changing for the gateway airport that greets visitors to this special part of the world. “We are establishing a new normal. We had Skywest in here for three years and now we have to bring in a new airline and establish a new market,” she explains. “So my highest priority right now is getting the new airline established which I believe is going to do very well.” Moving forward, Howland points out, the airport will continue its work on the ramp extension, taxi lanes, and hangers, but will be focused first and foremost on providing a stunning gateway for its customers. “We are very attractive as a general aviation airport and my goal is also to find a balance with a lot of projects on our commercial airline side,” she concludes.