Aviation View - Oct 2023

46 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 Running the airport requires a close eye on all the pieces of the puzzle, as Burr observed. And many people labor behind the scenes to make it all come together into one big picture. Last year, a $3 million project came to fruition. Burr said the runway was resurfaced, and its lighting was replaced. “It’s the latest technology in LED (light- emitting diode) lighting,” he added. Plus, the drainage system, much of it dating to the 1940’s, was replaced. And thanks to a grant from the FAA some 30 years ago, the entire airport was fenced off, as Burr revealed. Such measures help decrease the likelihood of wildlife getting on to the property and its runway. Entry to the airport is via a secure code, and entrants must know it in order to get in, as Burr explained.