Aviation View - Oct 2023

52 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 here is no doubt that aviation numbers are taking off across the US. After facing unprecedented interruptions during the pandemic, passenger traffic on both the general aviation and commercial side is heading skyward. Numbers indicate that passenger traffic is near, and in some aviation markets, surpassed pre-pandemic numbers set in 2019. For those airports that are prepared to meet increased aviation demand, the sky’s the limit and Eastland Municipal Airport is one such facility that is poised to capture the aviation momentum with a host of airport infrastructure projects on the itinerary. We had the chance to sit down with Bode Zietz, the airport’s Manager, and Owner of Eastland Arrow LLC, the airport’s very successful and full-service fixed base operator (FBO). T EASTLAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT TOP OVER THAT COMMODATING AND HAS IT ALL Flying high in 2023, Eastland Municipal Airport points its radar toward capital upgrades geared towards its incoming recreational, business and medical flights