Aviation View - Oct 2023

54 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 activities. We have a lot of corporate people flying in and out that are doing business here. For instance, there is an oilfield here and cattle raising in the area so some fly in for the cattle auction and they use our airport to support their business,” he outlines. The airport also supports medevac flights, Zietz points out. With a major hospital just a few miles from the airport grounds, flights use the airport for those with emergency medical needs. “We accommodate aircraft from small single- engine airplanes to turboprops to small light jets to midsize jets,” Zietz describes when asked about the types of flights the airport sees any given week. “There are a lot of people that fly in to do hunting and fishing,” he goes on to add. “We also handle a lot of people that do business locally and may have a company in the area such as a railroad business that is located here that routinely schedules several flights in and out of here.” Experience Eastland 209 WMain St. Suite A Eastland, TX 76448 * 254-629-2332 DEDICATED TO PROMOTING EASTLAND, TEXASS