Aviation View - Oct 2023

55 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 EASTLAND MUNICI PAL AI RPORT Zietz also draws attention to the unique positioning of the airport, 100 miles from Fort Worth, Texas which commercial and private pilots view as a great stopover for cross-country flights. “A lot of people fly from California to Florida and they come through here and use this as a stop-off point. We have one gentleman that has a helicopter company in Atlanta and they stop here for fuel, or when the weather is inclement,” Zietz explains. “We have a lot of that kind of traffic [cross country stop over] and we have been listed on several aviation sites describing us as accommodating with services such as courtesy cars available if needed, and a lot of nice little small town restaurants locally for people to land here and enjoy some Texas hospitality.” Speaking of the famous Texas Hospitality, Zietz was enthusiastic when asked about what the local area has to offer, and how the airport