Aviation View - Oct 2023

89 AVIATION VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 MONROE REGIONAL AI RPORT facilities on the planet), and the latter serving Atlanta. Delta airlines started in Monroe as a crop dusting service in the 1920’s. First-class service is available, he adds, for all the routes served by American and Delta, and the airlines use planes of 90 seats and 70-90 seats respectively. “We’re happy to have those larger aircraft,” Butcher remarks, adding that each airline on average sees about three flights per day. Then there’s the National Guard. It, too, has a large presence at Monroe Regional, as Butcher informs. Talking of COVID, it had its adverse impacts on the American business community, and airports were especially hard hit. In the case of Monroe Regional, one casualty was the service of United Airlines, as Butcher notes ruefully. “Some day,” he adds, “we hope to get that back.” Still, on balance, the news is pretty good these