Aviation View | Volume 2, Issue 1

119 AVIATION VIEW VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1 million, with an employee base of 775 people. From a small airport struggling with growth, Lewiston-Nez Perce has become a regional powerhouse and part of the economic solution. “And there is still a lot of space for development,” says Isaacs, “we even have some new projects in the wings. There’s a lot of potential for new businesses and new revenue streams. Part of LWS included an old ball field – the airport owns the land and is developing it into a hotel and restaurant. It’s located on the 2nd busiest throughfare in the city on Bryden Drive. Our catchment area includes places as far away as McCall, ID so having a hotel on the front doorstep helps passengers and airline crews.” Growth is happening on other fronts as well. Like most general aviation airports hangar space is at a premium and starting next year new hangars will be built at the end of the south taxiway, adjacent to the business park, potentially allowing more corporate traffic. There are plans to expand the parking facilities, and then look at expanding the cargo footprint. FedEx operates a facility there now and would expand that once the land is allocated. The next step would be to take stock of the terminal that was built in the 1950s and remodelled in the ’90s – to see whether it makes sense to remodel or to build something different. “As we grow, we’re trying to reach out in different directions into the community,” says Isaacs. “For example, we have been discussing with the local college here, Lewis and Clark, the possibility of a pilot training class being part of their offerings. Before COVID, we also had big air shows that drew crowds in and got them excited about the airplanes and the airport. The chairman of our board is very interested in starting a community museum with all the old warbirds he has, like a P51 Mustang, a P40, and one bi-wing. In the past, we had 15,000 people out to the show, and it is a free event for the community. For the last two LEWI STON-NEZ PERCE COUNTY A I RPORT